Chocolate Orange Loaf Cake

It's officially autumn though seems like summer doesn't wanna leave us here in Barcelona. I can't complain, I'm loving these (maybe the last?) hot and sunny days we are having: days are still long, I can go out to hike at 7pm and enjoy beautiful dusks or ask my sister to make her delicious homemade lemonade or my latest summer obsession: Agua Fresca (watermelon fresh water). I'm afraid this warm weather won't last too long and in just a few weeks I will start my seasonal wardrobe change but...hey, I have a lot of beautiful new autumn clothes I got for my birthday (bye bye twenties!) and I can't wait to wear them!
I made this chocolate orange loaf cake on monday for my brother's birthday. I knew he already had his birthday cake but I couldn't help it and baked this special treat for him cause I love to bake for my loved ones and both my bro and niece love chocolate as much as I do...especially my little punk princess, she's a chocolate monster like her aunty! ;-)
If there is one ingredient that tastes heavenly good combined with chocolate it is, definitely, orange. I LOVE this combination and I'm sure you'll fall in love with my loaf cake once you taste it: perfect sweet and tangy mix, moist and tasty. It's a very easy recipe so you have no excuses!

Receta en español aquí!

Chocolate orange loaf cake

(Serves 8)
3 eggs.
1 non-fat chocolate yogurt.
2 cups* sugar.
1/2 cup sunflower oil.
2 1/4 all-purpose flour.
3/4 cup pure (unsweetened) cocoa powder.
16g baking powder.
orange zest.
60-70g dark chocolate, chopped.
candied orange peel to decorate.
*1 cup in this recipe = 1 yogurt container.

Preheat oven to 180ºC (356ºF).
In a large mixing bowl place eggs and sugar and beat well. Add in the chocolate yogurt and orange zest, keep beating.
Gradually pour in the oil and don't stop beating.
In a separate bowl mix together the baking powder, flour and cocoa powder. Make sure all the dry ingredients are well combined. Sift them into the wet mixture. Mix well until creamy and fluffy. 
Grease a loaf pan with nonstick spray (or margarine) and dust some cocoa powder.
Pour half the mixture into the prepared pan and stir the chocolate chunks, add in the rest of the mixture and finally the remaining chunks.
Bake for around 45 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center of the loaf cake comes out clean.
Decorate with candied orange peel about halfway through baking time.
Enjoy! =)




  1. Qué delicia guapa, las fotos son muy bonitas y el contraste de sabores siempre triunfa!
    Un besito

    1. Otro besito para tí también Esme! Gracias por tu comentario. :-)
      Por cierto me encantó tu receta de cookies en una taza!

  2. M'ha semblat un pastisset boníssim Gemma!
    Només pel fet que sigui de xocolata ja guanya molts punts, però és que a sobre acompanyat de taronja, una autèntica delícia! Segur que al teu germà li va encantar!


    P.D.: your last hot and sunny days?

    1. Doncs encara no sé si li va agradar molt...però segurament si! ^_^. N'he fet molts d'aquests abans i sempre s'acaba en un parell o menys de dies.
      Aixó dels últims dies de calor em refereixo a que l'estiu ja ha marxat i aquests van ser els darrers dies 'estiuencs' que he viscut aquest any. ;-)

  3. Here in Milan it's cold!, The heat is now a distant memory ..
    you know I really like the combination of chocolate and orange?
    is perfect! This tasty cake! I like so much the photos!
    I follow you forever! see you soon! a hug

    1. It's getting a bit grey and humid in Barcelona today...probably will rain this weekend.... :-S.
      Thanks a lot for your comment darling! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog (and your Instagram profile too!) and see the delicious desserts that come out of your oven. ^_^
      Hugs and kisses.

  4. hmm..yummy!
    Love your post <3

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Mona and welcome to my blog!
      Hope to see you back soon. =)

  5. Hola Gemma!
    Acabo de descobrir el teu bloc a través del d'en Víctor (jo fotu rotllos dels que tu no suportes en el meu ;D) i m'ha semblat interessant xafardejar una miqueta. M'ha agradat molt tot el que fas i les fotos són fantàstiques!!!
    Aquest pastís de xocolata i taronja ha de ser boníssim: aquesta combinació m'encanta!
    Visc a Suïssa i aquí els dies dels que tu parles ja fa dies que han desaparegut així que gaudeix-los!!
    Una abraçada

    1. Hola Dolors!
      Jaja, bé això dels rotllos és relatiu...alguns blocs són molt entretinguts i m'agrada llegir tot el contingut...d'altres s'em fan massa dífícils de digerir. :-p
      Em fa molta il.lusió que hagis descobert el meu bloc, espero que et quedis!
      Ara mateix vaig a fer una ullada al teu!!
      Un petó!

  6. un regalo delicioso! y las fotos divinas ! me gusta mucho tu blog y me quedo por aqui para no perderme nada, besitos

    1. Muchas gracias Viví! :-)
      Me hace especial ilusión que digas lo de las fotos porque la fotografía me apasiona así que intento esmerarme lo máximo posible en tomar unas fotos bonitas.
      Un abrazo y gracias por quedarte aquí!...algun@s vienen una vez y luego no vuelven más porque sólo buscan seguidores para su blog! Jeje.


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