Sweet Breakfast Couscous

This recipe was a nice and unexpected surprise to me, at first I thought it was going to taste like some kind of oatmeal but it is more tasty! Hey, I still love my chia oatmeal but it's great to satisfy your tastebuds when they are asking for something different.
I've said it was a nice surprise cause I tried this couscous on a lazy rainy sunday, I was bored and thought it was the perfect moment to cook a new recipe for the blog. Turns out those impromptu cooking moments give me some of my favorite recipes; don't you love it when you taste something you've cooked for the first time and it tastes so much better than you expected?!
My breakfast version of couscous is comforting, with just the right amount of sweetness, spiced and full of healthy energy for your body. The presence of cinnamon in this recipe reminds me of the classic Arroz con Leche (rice pudding) that my mom makes...gosh I've been craving it so much lately!
I'd suggest you to eat this couscous immediately after it's done, since you will best enjoy its creamy texture and flavor. Feel free to use the toppings you prefer, you can leave out the dates and add a bit of shredded coconut for example. I personally like to pair this sweet couscous with slices of banana and strawberries, plus an extra drizzle of maple syrup.

Receta en español en la web de El Granero Integral!

Sweet Breakfast Couscous
(4 servings approximately)

1 cup organic couscous.
2 cups oat milk.
3 to 4 tablespoons organic whole cane sugar.
One cinnamon stick.
Lemon peel.
- Toppings:
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
A small pinch of ground ginger.
Two dates, chopped.
Mixed nuts.
Banana and strawberries, sliced.

Put the couscous in a heat resistant bowl or container. Set aside.
Pour the milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat, add in the sugar, cinnamon stick and lemon peel (remember to use only the yellow part of the skin, discard the white part to avoid any bitterness). Stir a bit to dissolve the sugar. 
Bring the milk to a boil, remove the cinnamon and lemon peel and pour the hot milk over the bowl with the couscous. Do not stir, cover the bowl and let it rest for up to 10 minutes, or until the liquid has been almost completely absorbed but it's still creamy and juicy.
Sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon and ginger, stir and top with your favorite nuts, chopped dates and a few slices of banana and strawberries.


  1. Ostres Gemma, aquests couscous dolç no me l'esperava!! Però de fet, perquè no?! Saps, aio si que és una recepta que tinc ganes de provar!! Potser fins i tot demà per esmorzar. Si el Müesli amb flocs de civada funciona i també la sèmola de blat dur, no veig perquè no m'hauria d'agradar el cuscus :)
    Una abraçada guapa!

  2. No havia tastat mai el cuscus fins que un dia s'em va acudir fer una versió dolça adaptant una recepta meva molt semblant però amb quinoa.
    Ja has tingut temps de provar-la?
    Moltes gràcies per visitar el meu bloc Dolors! :-)

    Un petó!!!

  3. Yum Ive never used cous cous this way its sounds amazing. What a perfect breakfast x

    1. Thanks darling! This sweet couscous is my latest addiction! :-)

  4. Without fail, I always start my day with a big bowlful of oatmeal, but this sounds like a delightful change of pace! Best of all, it won't be such a shock to the system by using oat milk to contribute that familiar, comforting flavor.


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